Hi y'all!
Happy last day of the month!
For me, this month has been about tv shows with a bunch coming back and new ones starting.
The Fosters, Teen Wolf, Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Reign have all come back and they have all shifted and molded to a new view point which have kept me on my toes. Oh and being a teenage girl I cannot forget Pretty Little Liars. Then new shows have come about or I just started paying attention towards like The Bachelor (shoot me I am a female and he is hot) and Opposite Worlds plus Are You the One?!

Every show has to have a love triangle apparently and The Fosters are no different. Now that Wyatt is gone, they brought in this cute, evil little triangle. I am not sure how I feel about it nor the extreme desire that Brandon has to be with Callie. He is quite intense regarding his puppy love but she needs someone! Everyone needs someone.
This is from last season but Stiles in this scene made me smile so much. Teen Wolf has gone darker than dark this season! Like legit evil demon dark. They are moving around couples it is such a different show in a sense this season than other ones. They brought in a new girl, Kira, whom I don't quite know what to make of because the story line around her is confusing but she makes Scott happy. Then Stiles might have helped the murder kill her, I don't know. It is confusing but I like it. Mostly because of Stiles and Isaac. Isaac is hot and he is morbid which is funny to me which is probably bad in a sense but I don't care.
This family, I don't even know where to begin. They are so screwed up on a level that it is hilarious. There values on certain terms like family is amazing and something to applaud them for but other things it is like WTF?! The show is a guilty pleasure for me. There is no real rhyme or reason behind the episodes other than something that they cook up like last Sunday it was Kris wanting to be on Broadway. Before that it was something about Scott finding a hobby and lying about karate. It is so stupid but the way they handle it is insanely comical.
I love Frary and extrememely unpleased by the fact that Canada gets to watch the new episodes before us Americans. But the new episode last night was so good with the Catherine situation and the baby! I actually now don't mind Bash but still prefer Francis. I have 2 posts talking about Reign already
here and
here for y'all.
Sorry to all of my friends but I would have stopped trying to find you after the second death. Allison was not a friend to risk life for sorry but she wasn't. I want to know how much longer can they prolong the life of the show? Is it going to be like Soap Opera's where they continue for 15 years or is it going to send before the actors turn 30? I am frankly getting bored with this show at this point. It is getting ridiculous. They sent Caleb away which I am disappointed about since they were my favorite couple. Spencer is now crazy and nearly a druggie. Aria is oblivious which makes me bad. Emily is partly stupid and in love still but at the same time realistic regarding certain life aspects.
I am incredibly late on this trend but I love it now. I was watching Sweet Home Alabama on CMT but that show ended and this one came on! He is so sweet and genuine; it is adorable. My favorite girl is becoming Kelly, the dog lover, or both single moms. I don't quite know about some of the others but the Hippie was hilarious and real which I thought was good but I don't blame him for getting rid of her.
This is a new show on Syfy. It is a game show that is an experiment to see if technology affects the performance of humans through having a team live in the future with tons of technology then another team life in the past like cavemen. They are actually having viewers become a part of it by using Twitter to provide rewards and punishments for players. Each week a player leaves the game through a competition. Each team, the future and past, gets to vote for one member to be safe from elimination. These two players are then voted on by America to select who gets to pick the 2 players to go against each other. The loser goes home while the winner returns to their team. It's interesting in my eyes.

This is the cast/ contestants for MTV's new reality/ game show where they have to find their soul mates in order to win the cash prize. They
all have find their sole mate it is such a strategy game which is why I love it! I could so help them win this game quicker because I have that mind set where I strive in these situations where you have numerous moving pieces but all you need is a plan. Of the players, I hate Shanley. I think she is only in this for herself but it is a team game. They need all 20 people to become pairs of 10 that are matches but she is hooking up with Chris who has already been deemed not her match. Stupidity.
So those have become some of my favorite shows this month. I hope you check them out!
Love y'all!