Spoilers for Reign!!
So it is Friday as I am writing this post and I have had one thing on my mind all day. Last night's episode of Reign, "For Kind or Country." It blew my mind. I just don't know anymore.
1st off, since the pilot episode I don't know who to pity anymore. I tweeted that it has rearranged my emotions and it has. I now like and pity Catherine even though she does awful things. I hate what is happening to her in the show. She is losing everything including her title. Her son whom she has done everything for said that he would kill her as his first act of King. Poor thing is all I can help to say when I think about everything happening to her.
Then there is the love triangle. I am on team Francis. I love the love that Mary and him have. It is so cute and I think it can last forever if they stop being stupid. The two of them just do some of the stupidest things regarding each other like breaking off relations and running away from happiness! It is ridiculous. Mary is gonna cause an uproar in two countries now! A majority of France is going to absolutely hate this change like if this was to happen in England now, Americans and Europeans would cause an uproar. Then goodness when Mary tries to take over England, something awful is going to happen since they love Elizabeth who has connections.
I read an interview today that says a wedding will happen by the end of the season. I do not think it is going to be Mary and Bash because realistically there goes the plot of the show. I am hoping that it might be Greer. Her and the Leith's relationship is so raw and natural. It is simply adorable. If it isn't their wedding, I'm not sure who else it might be unless the writers are brave enough to have Mary wed and face the wrath of hundreds of people. That wedding would probably raise views quite a bit but then afterwards they are probably gonna drop because the plot will mostly start to disintegrate cause what is gonna happen? I cause Mary could play around with Francis but I don't see her as that type of girl to cheat on her husband. I just don't know.
All I wanted was for them two to run up to each other and hug!

I am so excited we get to find out the truth about Clarissa soon. Personally I believe that she was a lover of Henry or Francis or maybe she is Bash's sister. How crazy would that be?! I feel like Diane has some secrets hidden away.
This photo is not from this episode but I couldn't help it. Look how cute they are together. Please let the wedding be theirs!!
Y'all let me know your opinions on the show!
Love y'all!
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