Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine Cards

Hi Y'all!

Here is some hearts made of shoes and feet that my friend and I did at the movies!
So I have been extremely into Pinterest lately, it's beginning to get unhealthy for my email with all the notifications from Pinterest. But my email shall survive. I like to look at the DIY page because how cute some of the ideas people come up with are. If I was to strive to do what some of these people do, it would be ugly but I can admire them. The stores have probably been ready for Valentine's Day for like 2-3 months now but it only now about that time. A scholarship that I did for Do Something had me make Valentine's Day cards for the elderly. I made mine then looked at Pinterest (dumb move) to be blown away by some ideas that people come up with. How do they do it? I just do not know.

look how cute these are for babies

  I love the Birthday one and all the details in the right one.

 Little kid things like this warms my heart to the tips of my toes.

         I know the p.s I love you isn't a card but it could be. The one with the heart and circle is so simple which I see is the best way to show love. You could show love everyday which is why Valentine's Day confuses me. Why do we need a special day to show love? Marketers are the only reason I know. But the thank you card has inspired me to make my own Thank You cards for graduation. I will let you know how they turn out.I know I am not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day but I hope you all have a great day!Love y'all!

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