Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hey y'all!

Lately I did one of the worst things ever, weighed myself. I was at a weight that I am no way comfortable being. So, I started seriously exercising and trying to manage it. I have, for the most part, quit snacking in between meals and walking on the treadmill for an hour as well as doing some exercises that I found on Pinterest and will post below.
I do not do all of them like the ones with the dumbbells or jump squats but holy crap does V Crunches hurt!

I do most of them except the runner's lunge or the reverse lunge since I just did 15 reps of lunges which burn at the end of them.

This is my cool down circuit which I follow up with 5 minutes of walking because I read on web MD that it helps with soreness.
Love y'all!

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