Monday, February 24, 2014

What the Olympics have taught us!

Hey y'all!
Official Medal Count
  1. Russia has a really bad stray dog situation

  2. Aerials are super scary
    Mac Bohonnon landed on his back and ended up in the hospital coughing blood.
  3. When the buzzer goes on a luge track, get off the track
    The poor luge worker who won broken legs during competition.
  4. Canadian Ice dancers do not take losing lightly 
    They were bashing on their coach after Meryl and Charlie won.
  5. Meryl and Charlie are sadly not dating
    This is supposedly Charlie White's girlfriend.
  6. Track stars make good bobsledders who are great at breaking down doors
    If you are unaware, a group of girls from summer
    Olympics track started a bobsledding team.
    Johnny Quinn got stuck.
  7. Always test your outfits out before competition day
    Poor, poor USA but the boys did get a silver in relay!
  8. If you are an inspiring or current Olympian Russia is the place to go
    Vic Wilde moved to Russia after USA
    didn't financially support him.
    Viktor Ahn moved from South Korea after battling with coaches.
  9. A country can run out of salt. I have no picture for that.
  10. The most inspiring thing. Greatness comes out of unexpected places.
    Joss Christensen was not an original
     member but a coaches choice. He won gold.
    Adelina Sotnik was not the girl that all were rooting for.
    She too won gold.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Really Boys?

Hey y'all!

So I do not totally understand something, how is it that Tucker West and Nick Goepepper do not have girlfriends? Unless they are secretly total jerks or have just not tried to date, they should have been had girls to date. They are too hot to have to result to a hashtag on Twitter and daddy on the Today Show asking for girls. Personally I do not think those are the best means to find a girl but hey its their life.
How have these guys continued to be single? I do not understand because a) they have pretty smiles b) they seem to have a heart and c) which for me is a must, they are driven. The thing that I love most about Olympians or major athletes is that they are driven and passionate about something which will transfer to a relationship making it stronger as long as both people work for it.

 For extra man candy it is Mr Roman Schaad of Switzerland on the left and gold medal winner Joss Christensen on the right.
  Roman is just so pretty. Joss is extremely awkward in selfies which is just adorable to me. Oh goodness my girliness is coming out.

Who is y'all's favorite Olympians?
Love y'all!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Graduation Steps!

Hey y'all!

So if you did not know, I am graduating in May. Graduation entails many little activities and social etiquette things to do like graduation announcements, registries, thank you cards and if you are like me scholarships while doing school work and you have to fit in going to a college orientation during all of this stuff. My mind is now exploding thinking of all that I have to do. Thank you society!
Graduation Postcard -- Fresh FutureI am going to take this couple of months one day and task at a time though. Plus, thanks to Pear Tree Greetings and their super efficient schedule I am almost done with one thing on my checklist. I got my graduation announcements in the mail today and love them. This is the one that I ordered except mine doesn't have that stranger on it. It has a baby photo, toddler and my first Communion photo along with a cute professional one and a silly selfie. I love it and excited to know my family's reactions toward it. Below is cute too.
Valentine Photo Cards -- Heart Paper Chain
Next step is probably going to be orientation so that I can register for college classes. Hint: sooner you go to orientation, the better chance you have to get the needed classes. While I am waiting for my orientation date, I am working on scholarships. Scholarships are time consuming! You have to sit down, type out lots of words and occasionally send in things other than the essay that you spent hours perfecting. All of this work for money. It is a part of life I guess.
I mentioned to you in a previous post about my plan for thank you cards, so I won't mention it now, but I will show y'all when I do them.
I have not a clue what to put on my registries. I know towels, bedding but I don't know what I need! I think I just want to ask for gift cards and cash. I will let you know what I put on them when I do them in April.

Comment your thoughts and suggestions! Also let me know if you would like me to refer you to Pear Tree Greetings for $20 off your first order. They have lots other than graduation things like the Valentine's Day card that is cute and funny.
Love you!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Hey y'all!

I love the Olympics! This time is my favorite time period ever! The fandom mixed with the hot athletes mixed with excitement it is ahhh!
So Sochi opening ceremony aired last night, it was definitely original and I felt so bad for Russia when the fifth circle failed right at the beginning. I would have cried if I was the engineer behind that.
I heard that Russia wanted to make the Ceremony like China's from six years ago. To an extent, I think that they did but I personally liked London's the best. London kept my attention with all of the performances (plus I could understand them) but I do like the technology that Russia brought to the table. The Olympic God lights where really pretty.
The Olympics are where I feel like athletes get their full recognition for what they do. I don't pay attention to who wins what any other time then these moments (Olympics). I know I am not the only other one to do this either. At the Olympics, they get to be with other people who risk life, time and hundreds of dollars. They do this and push them selves for this event where they get full recognition and to walk into the Opening Ceremony and stand there for their country and prove their worth. These medals are like a symbol saying "Hey I didn't waste my time!" "You all who said I couldn't do it were wrong!"
People like him who are the only ones from their country bring so much pride and deserve so much more. He is from Bermuda and there are others who are the only ones from their country or the first one to send their country to the winter Olympics. They make me proud. They have been dealt the most crap probably in their lives and they pushed through to get to that ceremony and hold the flag for their country.
 This guy, Antonio Pardo, made me smile so much last night. He did what I would probably do if I was a lone athlete. He danced, jumped and ran with the flag. He is from Venezuela, a Alpine skier and a survivor. He had a brain tumor about 35 years ago. The surgery pluralized half of his body but he has since been able to recover completely and ready to represent his country. He is an inspiration with his saying "do it because you love it" and clearly he loves his country, life and skiing.
This is what the Olympics are about: love. Love for a sport. Love for your country. Love for life. Love for the world and what it brings us.

I hope y'all enjoy life.
Love y'all!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine Cards

Hi Y'all!

Here is some hearts made of shoes and feet that my friend and I did at the movies!
So I have been extremely into Pinterest lately, it's beginning to get unhealthy for my email with all the notifications from Pinterest. But my email shall survive. I like to look at the DIY page because how cute some of the ideas people come up with are. If I was to strive to do what some of these people do, it would be ugly but I can admire them. The stores have probably been ready for Valentine's Day for like 2-3 months now but it only now about that time. A scholarship that I did for Do Something had me make Valentine's Day cards for the elderly. I made mine then looked at Pinterest (dumb move) to be blown away by some ideas that people come up with. How do they do it? I just do not know.

look how cute these are for babies

  I love the Birthday one and all the details in the right one.

 Little kid things like this warms my heart to the tips of my toes.

         I know the p.s I love you isn't a card but it could be. The one with the heart and circle is so simple which I see is the best way to show love. You could show love everyday which is why Valentine's Day confuses me. Why do we need a special day to show love? Marketers are the only reason I know. But the thank you card has inspired me to make my own Thank You cards for graduation. I will let you know how they turn out.I know I am not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day but I hope you all have a great day!Love y'all!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Hey y'all!
Recently I opened up an Etsy shop to sell my Daddy's potholders. I thought I would make a post to help explain the potholders and their deals. Here is the link to the shop: store

 The potholders are a 5.5" by 5.5" square, 100% cotton and American made. 

These are the colors that are available plus orange which I forgot to put in the circle. 

 So potholders can be made woven into numerous patterns and have a number of color combinations. These photos are only a a hand full of the different patterns that my father has made. As shown, there are holiday, sports and rainbow themed potholders. 

If you have any questions feel free to comment and I will answer. 
Oh price, single potholders are being sold for $4.50 and a pair is $9.00! You also get to pick colors and can even pick the pattern.
Love y'all!